“Make America/SA/UK/Holland great Again”

Politici kom met slagspreuke vorendag soos “Make America Great Again” (MAGA).

In Nederland is ook iemand anders verkies nadat die burgers onrustig geraak het oor hoe die establishment regeer. Selfs in Suid-Amerika (Argentinië) word daar ook teruggegryp na die verlede as ‘n beter era waarheen teruggekeer moet word. Die nuut verkose leier van Argentinië is verkies as president onder die vaandel van die VSA Vryheidsvlag[3] van 1775 (Gadsdenvlag met Do not tread on me daarop geskryf). Dit volg na etlike dekades van mislukte sosialisme in Argentinië. Verder het Prof Jordan Peterson en ander invloedryke politici soos die oud onder-eerste minister van Australië (John Anderson) en Phillipa Stroud (Konserwatiewe party in Brittanje) die Alliance of Responsible Citizens (ARC) tot stand gebring. Hierdie ARC leiers is totaal ontnugter deur die ondermyning van vryheid en die vinnige inbeweeg na ‘n era van Facisme die afgelope dekades (veral die afgelope 5 jaar). Hulle is bekommerd oor die ondermyning van geloofsvryheid, spraakvryheid, bewegingsvryheid en die cancel culture. In die woorde van Elon Musk: The woke mind virus” poses an existential threat to humanity[1]. Hierdie ARC/Musk weerstand word selfs betreur deur die World Economic Forum met hul vergaderings wat die afgelope jare wat gefokus het op: “Rebuilding Trust” en “Working Together, Restoring Trust“.

Prof Vishal Mangalwadi het onlangs met Disciple Nations Alliance ‘n onderhoud[2] gevoer en maak ‘n hele paar baie insiggewende opmerkings. Hy was dan ook een van die intellektueles wat die ARC vergadering bygewoon het. Hy maak die punt dat daar ernstige gebreke is in die weerstand teen die Woke mind virus via die ARC. Hy wys uit dat sosioloë soos Weber en andere tereg aantoon dat die Westerse voorspoed ‘n uitvloeisel is van die Reformasie. Dat die wêreldbeskouing van die Reformasie veroorsaak het dat Westerlinge se kultuur verander het en dat voorspoed gevolg het. Hy sê:

“So Max Weber is one of the fathers of social sciences and he wrote during the first two decades of the 20th century in Germany. His father was a Lutheran, mother was a Calvinist. So, one vacation they will go to the Lutheran side of the family, another vacation to the Calvinist side of the family. And as he was growing up he noticed that the Calvinist community, not just his immediate family, but as a community, they were doing better economically than the Lutherans and Lutherans were doing better than the Roman Catholics and the Catholics were doing better than the Orthodox and the Orthodox were doing better than Muslims and Hindus. A lot of information was available about India through the East India Company, the economic information. … He saw that religion plays an important role in economic development or as hindrance to progress… He said that faith and predestination helped economic progress, et cetera, but the overall piece is that religion, religious ideas, either hinder progress or motivate progress.”

Hy beskryf die ekonomiese voorspoed en samelewingsvryhede wat die Weste voorgebring het as vrugte van ‘n Bybelse Wêreldbeskouing. Die Wêreldbeskouing is die wortels, maar die wortels bring nie sonder die stam en stingels die vrugte voort nie. As ons dus die vrugte van die Westerse wêreldbeskouing wil geniet, dan moet ons ‘n Bybelse (Calvinistiese) wêreldbeskouing omarm, maar dit is meer as net die wêreldbeskouing, want die gemeenskap van die heiliges (stingels) is ook nodig. Dit is soos ‘n plant wat mooi blomme (vrugte) dra. Die blomme word nie net deur die wortels (wêreldbeskouing) voortgebring nie maar daar is ook stingels (gemeenskap vd heiliges) nodig. En dan die belangrikste van alles is die Grond (God) waarin die plant geplant is, is nodig. Die probleem is dat MAGA en Musk en ARC wil terugkeer na die bybelse wêreldbeskouing om die goeie vrugte te kan geniet, maar baie van die leiers het nog nie tot die besef gekom dat die God van die Bybelse wêreldbeskouing aanbid en omarm moet word nie. Dit is onmoontlik om dit los van mekaar te maak… In die woorde van Ps 127: “As die HERE die huis nie bou nie, tevergeefs werk die wat daaraan bou…”. Die ander probleem is dat sommige Christene besef dat die verhouding met Jesus essensieel is, maar hulle het geen diepte nie. Hulle het nie ‘n Bybelse Wêreldbeskouing nie. Hierdie Christene word dan maklik mislei. En dan is daar Christene wat so ontnugter is dat hulle hul heeltemal van enige Christelike instellings disassosieer. Hulle wil nie lidmaat wees van ‘n gemeente nie, maar hulle stig ook nie ‘n regsinnige een nie.

Prof Mangalwadi: “So these are public intellectuals, poets, politicians, who are speaking and they, as well as economists, businessmen. They agreed with the overall thesis that Western civilization is a beautiful bouquet of flowers and these flowers have been cut from their roots. Therefore the flowers are fading. So the Western civilization is fading, withering because it is cut from their roots. And to reconnect the West to its roots is the big challenge. And they acknowledge that the roots is the Bible, even the non-christians who would call themselves atheists. Now, this was a thesis that Pope [Benedict 16 – Joseph Ratzinger] wrote this book “Without Roots: the West’s Relativism Christianity in Islam… We receive general consensus Nobody challenged it that yes, the western civilization is a beautiful bouquet of flowers. These flowers are withering: families withering, economies in debt, etc, Business is no longer trustworthy because the flowers have been cut off from their roots. So the one important weakness of ARC was not acknowledging that the flowers don’t flowers and fruits don’t come directly out of the root, they come out of stem. So it is connected. Flowers are connected to the roots through the stem, through the branches. This is what Jesus says I am the wine, you are the branches, you bear fruit and leaves for the healing of the nations. ….

And this has been a very important point that Bob Moffitt, the co-founder of DNA, has been making consistently that it is not just the worldview, the roots, which produce flowers, but the church, which is the stem out of which has come. So the impact that the Bible has had is because of the church, which preserves, translated, publishes, distributes, teaches the Bible and established all the colleges, universities, schools, etc. So this is a missing piece in the ARC movement. Yes, yes, davidson Hunter. He makes that point in changing the world that it’s not just ideas. Ideas have consequences, but ideas need institutions, groups, networks of groups, which has been a very strong point that Bob Moffitt has kept emphasizing and that was missing in ARC. And if ARC is not able to really mobilize the church, then it will be a movement that goes nowhere because, this is really the key that you have great ideas, you have the truth, but actually truth was downplayed.”

Ek kan hierdie onderhoud van Prof Vishal aanbeveel. Daar is ‘n hele klomp mooi insigte.

Mag die VSA/SA/Holland/Weste en die hele mesdom nie net smag na die vrugte wat voorgevloei het uit die Reformasie van die 1500’s nie, maar mag hulle die volledige wêreldbeskouing saam met die instellings wat dit moontlik maak omarm. Mag hulle daardie EEN wat die seëninge uitdeel werklik ken, sodat Hy hulle nuut kan maak en hulle die Seun kan kus soos wat daar geskryf staan in Ps 2, Ps 117 ens. Mag daar ‘n diepgaande bekeering en reformasie spoedig tot stand kom…

[1] https://twitter.com/EpochTimes/status/1653151055146889218

[2] https://podium.page/client-media-editor/5c62ff97-b08b-421c-8ff1-715d77d067fe?a=eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJtZWRpYV9pZCI6IjVjNjJmZjk3LWIwOGItNDIxYy04ZmYxLTcxNWQ3N2QwNjdmZSJ9.6jyNytIBsMHOhXpOMw1JnVi_hd_pvwSQQVnH4P-ZM_4&return_url=https://www.buzzsprout.com/public/transcripts/714172/update_callback

[3] https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-03-15/inflation-at-100-boosts-javier-milei-in-2023-argentina-presidential-election

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